Episode 6 - LatinX Food, Culture and Community in Wichita

Episode 6 May 03, 2022 00:32:57
Episode 6 - LatinX Food, Culture and Community in Wichita
Forward Together
Episode 6 - LatinX Food, Culture and Community in Wichita

May 03 2022 | 00:32:57


Show Notes

Episode description: Celebrate the food and culture of the LatinX community with WSU President Rick Muma in the latest episode of the “Forward Together” podcast. Dr. Muma speaks with WSU faculty members and LatinX cultural researchers Dr. Enrique Navarro and Dr. Rocío Del Águila.  The “Forward Together” podcast celebrates the vision and mission of Wichita […]
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hello, shocker nation. And welcome to the May, 2022 episode of forward together podcasts today. We're celebrating the Hispanic community and culture in Wichita. My guest today are members of the Wichita state faculty and specialize in research, lurching, Latinx culture in Wichita, the United States and the world. First I'd like to welcome Dr. Enrique Navarro associate professor of Spanish Enrique has led several projects to learn more and elevate awareness of Wichita's Hispanic population, particularly on the north end Ola Enrique Speaker 2 00:00:38 On Anique. Speaker 1 00:00:39 It's great to see you and, uh, always good to have the, uh, uh, opportunity to talk to you more about what you're doing and your research and your classroom. And, uh, just what what's going on here at Wichita state. I wanna first start by talking about your work on, uh, the Somas Wichita, uh, website, you and another faculty, Dr. J price, uh, started a couple of years ago. Talk to me about what spurred your interest in that project and how that all got started. Speaker 2 00:01:11 Well, the, the project that started in, uh, 2019 that was, uh, before, uh, Wichita celebrated, uh, it's 150th anniversary and of course, uh, media paid more attention to the history of the, of the city of Wichita. And a, a lot of books came out and we realized that the minority were not represented in, in those, uh, in those books. Um, at times there were like footnotes, um, and, and we thought that maybe it was needed to document the, the history of the Latino population, uh, in Wichita. Um, we, there was some, uh, some work previously done, for example, WSU alumni, <inaudible>, uh, seated some research about one of the neighborhoods. Uh, um, and, and there is information that is available, um, special collections, WSU libraries, um, and they had already work in, uh, in another projects. He had to go after one, one book about African Americans, which another one, another one about the Lebanese population in the city. Speaker 2 00:02:24 But somehow this was a piece that was, uh, that was missing. Um, we were really fortunate to get funding from both the university that GSU and humanities, Kansas at the beginning, the project was, uh, was a physical exhibit. It was a popup exhibit, but with COVID, it became a digital exhibit, a website. Uh, and basically the idea that we had for this project, uh, was, uh, to create a platform so that, uh, rather than really, uh, doing research about the community or the, or, uh, working with com with the community and considering the community as an object of our research or this of our research, it was really a project for the community and done with the community. And basically we had this platform and the idea it was to give an opportunity, uh, for the Latino, Hispanic in the city, um, to, to tell their, their stories. And, uh, basically what we did was to reach out to them, uh, ask them to provide us with, uh, family pictures and with the stories. Um, and the committee was always involved in this project. Uh, there was one, one member, uh, and Mendoza that was basically the voice of the community. So when we did the, any kind of selection of pictures, uh, when we did the, the captions for the pictures, she was there and, and, uh, and that way, uh, we did this really became a, a community based, uh, research project. Speaker 1 00:03:59 Yeah. And it's online too, so it can be continually updated and, you know, listen to you talk, uh, I've been at the university for 26 years and we've seen the student population change pretty dramatically over that time. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> particularly in the last 10 years in our fastest growing segment of our student population are those that identify as Hispanic students mm-hmm <affirmative>, and it's at some point, probably in the next decade, we would be considered at Hispanic serving institution. Now a lot of things have to happen in our policies and just not a, just not a matter of enrolling Hispanic students who identify in that way, but it's also supporting them, providing opportunities for them at the university. So they'll Excel and be able to go on graduate and live productive lives. But at some point, um, the technical definition is that, uh, 25% of our student body will identify as Hispanic, uh, and, and, and how they come into the university. Speaker 1 00:04:58 And that would classify us Hispanic serving institution in the United States, which opens up all kinds of additional opportunities for funding, uh, for those students, um, and for the university to support them. And I, I don't think just after evaluating this and seeing the rapid growth and our Hispanic population, I don't think people really understand the important that that particular population brings to our city. So it's so glad mm-hmm, <affirmative> that I'm so glad to hear that you're, that you're working, um, with your colleagues to, to bring those stories forward. Um, cuz there's, they're so important to who we are as a community. Thank you. And some from that project, um, you published a book, here's the book, um, that was published just a couple months ago, is that, Speaker 2 00:05:46 That yes, in February, Speaker 1 00:05:47 That was at that, uh, signing at the local bookstore here, um, and which I've read and enjoyed. Can you tell me a little bit more about, um, how that came about? I'm assuming it grew out of this, um, project that you just described? Speaker 2 00:06:03 The, the book was really like, uh, a spinoff of the, of the website. We realized that we had a lot of pictures, um, from Mexican American families, especially those that live in one neighborhood in the city. The north end, the north end is really a multicultural neighborhood, but we decided just to focus on this, uh, this population, this community that live in that neighborhood in, in this neighborhood that our neighborhood, um, and basically the, the philosophy was, was saying, we thought about the book also as a platform, we reached out to the community. Um, and, um, and, uh, because of COVID we had to, we had to be more creative. Um, obviously we had some scanning events, but the social media was crush, uh, crucial, uh, for, for the book. And, uh, one, one of the, one of the members, one of the co-authors of, of the book, an Mendoza, um, sees a founding faculty founding member of the, uh, north WITA historical society. Speaker 2 00:07:10 And they set up a page on, on Facebook. They had over, um, uh, 1000 members and, uh, and the, this, this, uh, this Facebook page gave families the opportunity to share, uh, some pictures also to the, to identify people in all, uh, photographs. Uh, they gave us a lot of information about, uh, when probably a photograph was taken, what was going on at, at the time. So social media was crucial for, for, for this book and it has, it had the same philosophy, uh, of, uh, creating a, a platform for the community, uh, to tell, to tell the, their story. Speaker 1 00:07:54 So what's been the response, um, to, to this book and just the showcase of the, the stories that are associated with our city. Speaker 2 00:08:03 Yeah, it has been impressive. I mean, I, I, I remember that, uh, we did a public presentation of the book in the neighborhood in the, in the north end. Uh, it was, uh, really emotional because, uh, we had, uh, we had high school friends, uh, that met there after 15, in 20 years, uh, a lot of memories that they share with us and, uh, and they were so grateful, so grateful. And, uh, there, there is, at the end of the book, there is, there is a text that explains how Mexican Americans, and that is something that you can apply to, uh, to Hispanics as well. Eh, Mexican Americans, they, they don't brag about themselves. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, at times they, they don't recognize, uh, uh, their merits. Um, and somehow if you connect that with, uh, with the history of this population, uh, that has been discriminated, uh, until the 1960s and, and to accept extent still today, um, I feel that the book was something that a, a community they needed, uh, because there was some of, uh, a sort of, uh, sense of recognition. Um, and, uh, somehow they, they felt that someone that came, uh, from outside the community, uh, was telling them that, uh, there stories and their history Myers that their contributions to the city of Wichita Myers. Um, and I think that for that reason that the first meeting that pop presentation with the community was so emotional. And, uh, for me, that is something that I think that I will never forget. Speaker 1 00:09:42 Yeah, it's good to hear those stories and, um, the impact that you've made. Um, so what do you have, um, planned to expand this further? Speaker 2 00:09:51 Well, what, what we have done so far is, is just to focus on one or of the Latinos, uh, Latino. So groups that is the Mexican Americans. Obviously we can do the same with, for example, central Americans with, uh, with the communities that come from the Caribbean here in the, in the city of w or somewhere, somewhere else in, in Kansas. So, uh, there is, I mean, there is a lot of things that we, we can do based on, on the, on the screens that we have came with these two projects. Speaker 1 00:10:20 Yeah. So, uh, tell me, where do you see the fastest growth or the, the, the, the increase in number of individuals, uh, populating, you know, you said, you mentioned Mexican-American, mm-hmm, <affirmative> central American south Americans. Do you see any kind of pattern of, of, of individuals coming to this part of the country and settling here in Wichita, in your research? Have you noticed anything in Speaker 2 00:10:43 Well, BA basically the, the majority of the, of the Hispanic population that we have here in town and in Kansas, they are, they are of Mexican descent, but, uh, starting in the 1980s, uh, what we have seen is a oath in the number of, uh, of, uh, of people, uh, of, of that come from central America. Uh, and for example, if you take into account the hurricane Maria, uh, with hurricane Maria, we saw an, an increase of, of a students that came from Puerto Rico. So at times, uh, it is, it is, uh, really a geopolitical, uh, thing that, depending on what, what happens in, in, uh, in Latin America, you are going to have, you are going to see an increase in one of, uh, of those populations or the other, Speaker 1 00:11:31 Well, this is great. Thank you so much for, for being here today and, um, talking about your book and, and the work that you're doing, uh, for Wichita and for Wichita state university as well. Um, it's very interesting, and I look forward to hearing more about it as time goes on. So thank you again for being here. Thank Speaker 2 00:11:49 You. Speaker 0 00:11:52 My next Speaker 1 00:11:52 Guess is Dr. Rocio Del aula Wichita state's graduate coordinator and associate professor of Spanish CHIO is I like to call her and she likes for people to call her CHIO. As you can see, uh, in front of me, the spread as a particular interest in studying Latin American food culture, her in celebrations, and she recently published a book called food studies and a Latin American literature perspectives on the gastro narrative. Now, if you're listening through an audio platform, be sure to log on to what Utah state's YouTube channel. So you can see this delicious food presentation, but if you can't do that, we're gonna make sure you have an fantastic audio experience. CHIO. It's so good for you to be here today, to talk about your interest in food and culture. Here's the book that you recently published. Tell us a little bit more about it and how you got to this point of publishing this book. Speaker 3 00:12:51 Thank you, Rick, and think, thank you for inviting me. Um, I started working on food studies a couple years ago, and it's an evolving field, and there's so many things that, uh, you can do, but I'm a 19th century, uh, literature, Latin American literature specialist. So, um, I started working more on recipe, books and ingredient and other things that I found through literature in that area. And, uh, at the moment we decided we, we have to make this book because there's not a lot written about it. So, um, I collaborated with Vanessa Misa, a colleague of mine from Notre Dame, and we, um, created a list of possible collaborators. And three years later, there is this book. We have chapters on barbecue and how important it's in Latin America. We have a whole chapter about food representation in the case of potato, for example, because it's such an important ingredient for everyone, but also it's, um, depicted in different ways, for example, in, in, on films and in, uh, media. So we have that, we have a lot of 19th century travelers, immigrants, for example, as well. And there is of course, a very much a theoretical approach to it as well. So it's, it's a very, uh, there are 14 different articles in there, and it's very interesting. So we hope you would like it. Speaker 1 00:14:13 Well, yeah, and I, I'm just looking at this perspectives on the gastro narrative. So tell me about the gastro narrative. Uh, I, I've never seen that word before. Speaker 3 00:14:26 We, I think that we coined that term, uh, because we were, um, deciding how to name it. And originally the book for us was gastro narratives, right? How is book presented, represented and what it means into the text? So it's not just, uh, very much that superficial idea of oh, there's book. And, and that said, but every time the book appears, uh, that that food appears in the book or in the narrative, it is, it is clicking something. It is bringing memories, it's bringing families, bringing culture, and it has even, even it it's such a, an important part of the book that even, um, can create, uh, the development and can for the development of, of, of whatever the story it is. So we, he thought about how important food was for this narratives, and that's how we ended up with gastro narratives. Speaker 1 00:15:17 Right. I that's awesome to hear. So now I'm not at all surprised by what you have in front of us, because I have been the recipient many numerous times from you food being dropped off in my front step of my house. Um, mostly because of COVID recently, but you've come in before, but, uh, when, before COVID, but we have some awesome looking beautiful food here in front of us. So what, those that are listening, we have, uh, a, a board of savory items, and then we have another plate of sweet items in here. So let let's talk about the savory first. And once you described, um, each of these six things that you have, uh, on this particular savory board, Speaker 3 00:16:09 Um, and I would recommend to start with a APAO because that's the one that, um, really gets my students, uh, they get, they get out of their comfort zone. Um, the first I, I teach a class on food and culture in the, uh, for first year students. That's good. And, and they start the class. This is a, a, a cold tomato soup from Spain. And I, I think that if you can get of your, out of your comfort zone by tasting this and, and drinking that they, they realize that there's so many other things that they can try, not only of course in the sense of food, but, um, through their experience as college students. So it's really, uh, a very interesting thing for me to, to, to start with. Um, then I try to, um, for this, I try to bring ingredients for different parts of Latin America. So for example, you have an MP pan, and this is an AIAN MP. Panada that it's, um, it's a, it's a pastry basically filled with meat. Um, uh, so the do is Speaker 1 00:17:11 I'm just gonna grab my hand and eat it like those from I've had this before you've made this before. Speaker 3 00:17:16 It's one of my favorite things to eat because in Peru and Peruvian in Peru eat a lot of S and it's like, if you don't have time to eat something, else you go instead of a sandwich, sometimes you go for an Panada, but it's, this is an Argentina recipe that I really like, and it's a very much medium pan, but it has some racings and some olives inside. Then the next one is an APA. So I learned to do APAs. Yes, those ones from a friend in Colombia, APA is, uh, the do is made of corn. So it's, it's so important for all the Americas is we are, um, we, we are surrounded by corn. We have so many preparations from tamales to, to tacos, basically everything is related to corn. So this would be the, the, the, the doll it's, um, Colombian. Um, but the filling is from Venezuela, which is called Raina Pia, and it's a, uh, chicken, and it has a beautiful story with beauty, Queens and Venezuela, but the filling has, uh, a avocado that we love and, um, chicken and some cilantro cilantro gives so much flavor. We, Speaker 1 00:18:23 It, we love cilantro. We love it, definitely taste the cilantro. Speaker 3 00:18:26 Yeah. And we use it a lot in different soups. And so that is Speaker 1 00:18:30 Had a, anything like this, quite like this, that texture of that, of the corn. So Speaker 3 00:18:36 Because, because you have the, the texture of the corn, but it's not like eating at a, and it's thicker than having even a go Litta right. A go would be like a thicker, um, a tortilla, but this one is even, and, um, it's pre pre-cooked corn that you have to buy. And I usually get the, the Arina pan from, uh, Colombia, the other three that you have to decide that is the Peruvian one, salsa and salsa wan. And it's, uh, potato that it's another ingredient. We have the international center for the potato in my country. And it's, uh, one of the tubers that could really get to the moon, basically. It's, um, in this case, it's, uh, uh, mashed potatoes with lemon and chili, Peruvian, Chile, and it has whatever you have at home for a feeling. So if you don't have anything, just put a piece of lead to in there. Speaker 3 00:19:29 But if you have, in this case, I had some tuna with, um, Mayo and, and avocado, and it has a beautiful shrimp on top because I had the shrimps at home, but you can put whatever you want, so you can have it, um, like a very expensive meal, or you could have it like a very simple meal. And as, uh, potatoes are very common and, um, and cheap in per, we eat this a lot. Plus I think it's delicious and very refreshing. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> very good. It, it, uh, a lot of people were eating this for Easter. For example, the other two things that I included are, uh, one is fried Yuka. And I, I did a Waka Mo because I thought, oh, I'm not included anything from Mexico here. We have so much Mexican can heritage in this city. So I did a WAAM is just homemade Guam. And the Juka is another route that it's very important for, for the Americas. And it's the kind of, of ingredient that you can see even in colonial text. So it's been through the whole process of under development of the Americas. Um, the domestication, and it's very common plus Yuca is, is tap yoga. So Asian communities also in the world eat a lot of it. So it's a very, very common one and we love it. It's very starchy, very good for your stomach as well. Speaker 1 00:20:41 Look has a consistency of a pat, you know, just like a, Speaker 3 00:20:44 It is, it is like a thicker starchy potato, basically. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. And finally you have a plantain because I mean, we eat lots of plantains. We love them. And that one, because I wanted to represent also Puerto Rico. So it's a, it's a fried plantain, a Pata, and it has may ketchup, which is very much it's, it's a mix of ketchup and Mayes that it's very tradit of Puerto Rico. So I thought I, I, I, I, I was just going to put some sauce. Speaker 1 00:21:11 I really like this one. It's Speaker 3 00:21:12 Very good. Speaker 1 00:21:13 <laugh>, <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:21:14 It's very good. And when it's recently fried and you fry it and you mash it and then, um, you press it and then you re fry it it's, it's really good. So that's the, um, display of savory I had, and I wanted to represent all the ingredients, Yucca potato plantains, corn that are very important, I think, for the Americas. Speaker 1 00:21:35 Yeah. Well, those are all very delicious. Um, I really like plantain, plantain bananas. Those are good in any way I've, I've ever eaten them. Speaker 3 00:21:45 Oh, they're they're recipes sometimes in, um, I was working in a project at, in Ecuador and the, in pan the door was made of, of plantain and filled with cheese. Oh. So yeah, there's so many, I mean, the ways in soups and appetizers dinners, uh, and you can have it ripe or you can have it, um, green and it gives you endless possibilities. It's, it's really a beautiful plant. Speaker 1 00:22:09 So we've tried these six items here. How would you, uh, integrate that into any of your classrooms? What, I, I know that you've made food in your classes and you, you tried to make sure students understand that some of the origins and how with a group of 30 students, how, how, or do they make some of the food too, or Speaker 3 00:22:34 I try to bring some special at the beginning. I have, uh, two guests, for example, one is from Spain and we do the Gaspa there. Um, and, and really it's, it's, um, it's something very important, especially at the beginning of the semester, but I also bring someone from Hondu and some students are really like, oh, we had no idea that we had so many people from central American in Wichita. So, and we bring, uh, something made of corn. Um, in that case, usually I bring, um, Bubu that it's very, uh, it's a very common thing to have in Wichita. I think after let's say Mexican food and they really enjoy the at, um, but sometimes I ask them, Hey, just let me know what you want to bring, what you want to do. And for extra credit, for example, I give them some ingredients. So I give them, um, tapioca flour. Speaker 3 00:23:22 I give them corn flour and they, they use their imagination. Sometimes we work with rice paper and it's amazing the kind of things that they do and things that they can do, even the dorms. So it's, it's simplest things that they can do. But, uh, there's a moment during the semester that they do a presentation about an ingredient and they work in groups to do that. And, um, they're not forced to bring something for the rest, but if they want, I mean, it's like browny points and literally browny points, so they can just, uh, bring something. But, uh, they do a lot of research projects. Like they go to a restaurant for example, and they have to criticize a restaurant thinking about authenticity and how sometimes we are even charged for that concept of authentic, uh, food. And then they do other projects around ingredients about around countries, about immigrant products and, uh, podcasts, movies. There's so much in the sense of food that we can use in class. So it, it's always a fantastic, uh, class to teach. Speaker 1 00:24:19 I'm gonna have to stop eating these, uh, the, the, this particular, what do you call, um, this is the, Speaker 3 00:24:26 But Speaker 1 00:24:27 Plantain, these really good, it's like, you know, French fries and, um, Speaker 3 00:24:31 And that the Mayo ketchup. Yes, it's, it's, it's addictive. I think. Speaker 1 00:24:36 So before we talk about the suites, what other kinds of, um, projects are you working on and what, what do you see? Speaker 3 00:24:44 Oh, uh, uh, well, food related projects, I'm working in two other one working one, uh, about the food system of the city with a, uh, LA Lila, good a professor from, um, industrial engineering. And we try to approach the problems of the city about food farms, uh, food inequality, but from completely D different per tips. I come from culture, she comes from industrial engineering, so she sees something completely different and it's, it's been a blast to work with her. And the other project that I'm working on is with Dr. And Navarro with J prize, because there's such a wonderful team to work with. And we are going to go to Dodge city, to garden city and to Lira, uh, during this summer. And we are going to be recording food, wastes, food traditions, FTAs celebrations, quinceaneras, um, religions, festivities that they do Latinos do in that area. Speaker 3 00:25:39 And we got a grant from the library of Congress. Oh, wow. So it's, it's really, really a gift for us to, to be able to go to this areas and, and to showcase, because, you know, in all these areas, we have all these mid factories and all these people work so hard, all this immigrant from different areas of central Maria, Mexico, uh, work so hard in, in those areas. And they're just trying to give their kids the best that they can, including this, um, celebrations. And of course, so it's going to be a lovely project to work from this summer to the end of the year, probably. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:12 And just being, we recently the provost and I, and, uh, another vice president just traveled out to garden city, Dodge city, um, liberal to find out, um, and those were visits to community colleges to find out what kinds of things can we help with their community? Um, what kinds of expertise that we can share. So this is another one, another example of that. So that's great that you're doing that. Okay. So now we have a plate of suites, um, four different items. Once you explain to the listeners, yes. Speaker 3 00:26:47 What you have, uh, you want to start with, Speaker 1 00:26:49 Which one do you want me to start Speaker 3 00:26:50 Up to you? Flan. Speaker 1 00:26:51 Okay. That's what this one is, right? Speaker 3 00:26:53 This is flan. I just made it mini because, uh, why not? <laugh>, mm-hmm, <affirmative> flan is one of those things that we eat all. I think it's a cost. Yeah. So, um, we eat it everywhere, but every country adds a variation. So Puerto Rico will let sometimes cheese coconut in different parts of south America. But, um, uh, in Spain, of course they have it. And I really like it because it's, um, it's very common to have it in different, different ways in Latin America. So that's, for me, one of the things that I like the most Cho of FLA the Mexican variation with chocolate, it's really good. Speaker 1 00:27:30 And has that sort of a, um, kind of a burnt sugar, kind of a, you, Speaker 3 00:27:35 You have to put, uh, when you put it, because it's, it's, uh, an inverted basically, right. You turn it around, so it's upside down, but, uh, at the beginning you have to do some caramel and in Mexico, sometimes they put kata, which is this caramel, um, goat, milk, caramel, but I, I usually do it at home, so I just burn sugar. Yeah. And, and do it, uh, first. And that's probably one the most complicated part of the flood. I would say. The second thing that you have is a chocolate it's just do and has a, um, feeling of cream because the is very heavy. It's very sweet. And then it has a cherry that has been soak in Pisco that it's a Peruvian drink. It's a Peruvian Brandy. Speaker 1 00:28:18 I can tell. Yes, Speaker 3 00:28:19 I should tell you it's but it's very, um, I think it balances the, the sweetness of the cheche and, um, uh, whipped cream just to lower the, the Speaker 1 00:28:33 Sweetness of it. So like a little chocolate cup with that Speaker 3 00:28:36 And the chocolate cup. I, I did it from, um, dark chocolate. So it should, it should bring the Speaker 1 00:28:41 Sweet. That is really good. And that added little Brandy <laugh> Speaker 3 00:28:46 Yes. The Pico, the Pico is like 45% alcohol, I believe. Speaker 1 00:28:50 So. There's a lot in there folks. Speaker 3 00:28:52 Yeah. They've been soaking for two days now. So, um, that you might like, because it's chocolate and it's just a chocolate Toran, we call it and it's covered with Che and a chocolate ganache and some fruits on tops to, to lower the, the sweetness of it. But it's just a, I, I don't know. Um, we don't eat so much chocolate, even though chocolate is from the Americas. I mean, we, we are producers, uh, south America, we're producers of chocolate and coffee, Kaka and coffee, but sometimes we don't have as many, the dessert we go more or for, um, these other kinds of, of, of flavors. But chocolate is something that everyone likes. Yeah. And you, in my country, we love, thought ballet chocolate, which is a chocolate cake. Speaker 1 00:29:36 And, and this has, uh, raspberries too. Speaker 3 00:29:38 We have raspberries. We don't need, if you go to a market here, one main difference you're going to see is that we don't have a lot of, uh, berries, but, uh, there are some, for example, in my country, we have some Andy and berries. Um, but in general, we eat strawberries, but not so much the other berries as you would do in the United States. Oh. And finally, that is an alpha heart. And Al it's a, um, uh, just a, it's a cookie cookie. Yes. It mm-hmm, <affirmative>, it's two cookies somehow filled with, uh, Che. And this is a recipe. Make a mess. Yes. Probably <laugh> this is a recipe without corn starch. That's my, my it's just flour. I know this is really good. Yes. And an alpha heart. Uh, I really like it because even the name, it has this, everything that starts with Al well, not everything, but a lot of words have, uh, Arab origin from Spain. So it has, this has come here to the Americas after traveling in Spain for centuries. And this is a recipe of Arab origin, for example. Speaker 1 00:30:40 So if you like, um, kinda a shortbread type cookie with, um, some caramel kind of a Speaker 3 00:30:47 Yes. It's, it's the <inaudible> inside. Yes. Speaker 1 00:30:50 This you'd write and it's really kind of light. And I mean, I'm sure not light and calories, but it's not a heavy kind of Speaker 3 00:30:57 A, I think that, uh, that's the idea that you can, I mean, the, the cookie, because it has no sugar, it lowers the feeling, the, the sweetness of the feeling. So it's a very much balance I would say. And Speaker 1 00:31:08 It has powdered sugar on top of it. Speaker 3 00:31:10 Yes. Just to make it yes. To make it nice just to make it Speaker 1 00:31:14 I'm making Speaker 3 00:31:15 Into, Speaker 1 00:31:16 Um, well, one of the things, sorry, um, one of the things, uh, it, that I notice in all the food that I've shared with you, or, or you've given over, uh, brought over to the house is just how it's presented. It's beautiful. Thank you. It's like little picturesque. Um, and hopefully the listeners, um, can grasp that from, um, what we're doing here, but if not, you can go onto our YouTube channel and actually see the food. So I appreciate, um, you, I know this, this, so you just didn't do this in a couple of hours. And so, so much appreciate you doing that. Um, for the benefit of our listeners and a community. It's great to hear what you're doing in, in terms of the study of food and culture, um, looking forward to, uh, possibly having you back so you can bring some other delicious, uh, treats for us. So thank you so much Cheo for being here. Speaker 3 00:32:19 Thank you, Rick, for inviting me. It's always a pleasure. Speaker 1 00:32:21 You're welcome. And thank you, shocker nation for listening today. Be sure to rate, subscribe, and review wherever you listen to podcasts, we're taking a summer break from podcasting, but I'll return in August with new guests and new highlights from Wichita state university go shockers.

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